For centuries, Ginseng has been used for a variety of health supporting benefits.* In Traditional Chinese Medicine, dried ginseng was used as a tonic to revitalize and replenish vital energy. Today it is included in many commercial health supplements to support a range of uses.*

Ginseng Benefits
Ginseng has multiple uses for diet supplementation; it can support muscle tone with exercise, healthy normal blood sugar levels, a healthy metabolism, and help maintain healthy hormone levels.* Ginseng is also recognized in Traditional Chinese medicine for its ability to support memory and vitality.*
There are cognitive and mental health benefits that can be achieved in the consumption of ginseng.* It can help your healthy body respond to endurance demands, manage stress, and support healthy sleeping patterns by combatting fatigue.* In addition, it helps supplement sexual well-being and the body’s immune system.*
Ginseng has been a go-to herb for thousands of years; at Solstice Medicine Company, we combine current scientific knowledge with age-old traditional Chinese wisdom to bring you quality herbal dietary supplements.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.